

35 Uppsatser om Tax exemption - Sida 1 av 3

Skatteverkets tolkning av 3:9 och 3:10 IL. : Är tolkningen förenlig med lagstiftaren syfte?

AbstractThe purpose of this bachelor thesis is to investigate whether Skatteverket?s interpretation of 3:9 and 3:10 IL is consistent with the legislator?s purpose with these rules.The bachelor thesis is written with a legal approach which seeks to use all sources of law in accordance to its legal source value.Individuals who are considered as tax residents in Sweden have the opportunity to be granted Tax exemption according to the six-month-rule and the one-year-rule if the individual works abroad. If the income is taxed in the country of source and the individual has been working there for more than six months, the six-month-rule can be applicable. If the income has not been taxed in the country of source, the individual still can be granted Tax exemption through the one-year-rule, but to do so he has to work in the same country for at least one year. Both rules require that the individual does not visit Sweden more than 72 days in a time span of one year.Skatteverket has, in its consideration, decided to add the 72 days on which an individual can visit Sweden with a new number of days, 24 days, which individuals can visit third countries.

Biotopskydd av stenmurar : Skäl för dispens

Stone walls in agricultural land are incorporated in the general protection of biotopes. They are protected because they provide a habitat for endangered species. Therefore it is illegal to carry out proceedings in an area that is included in the protection of biotopes. In order to do that, exemption is needed which can only be granted if there are special reasons. The essay stipulates what these special reasons are.In an exemption errand the interest for nature conservation must be weighed against a public or a private interest.

Revidering av dispensregeln från budplikt?

When anyone acquires control over a listed company the mandatory bid rule is triggered. This means that the person who acquires the control has to make an offer to buy the remaining shares in the company. The purpose of the rule is to protect the minority shareholders from the buyers. This rule has been considered to be burdensome and thus it is followed by an exemption rule which under some special circumstances may make the mandatory bid rule void. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze if the exemptions given by the Swedish securities council (in Swedish Aktiemarknadsnämnden) are in accordance with the purpose of the mandatory bid rule and if a review of these rules are needed.To answer the purpose, the Swedish securities councils statements has been analyzed, to determinate if the exemptions are in accordance with the purpose of the mandatory bid rule.

Betesdrift för mjölkkor :

The Swedish Animal Welfare Act say that all milking cows must have access to pasture in summer time. That was a gift to Astrid Lindgren o her 80th birthday from the Swedish Government. Sweden is a predecessor in animal welfare, but how well do we live up to these big expectations? In this thesis I will examine how well the pasture for milking cows works. I have been interviewing farmers with milking cows and people in the business. I have also been searching information on Internet, and using the library of Alnarp. Cows that are kept on pasture are exposed to different kind of parasites, but on the other hand they run a smaller risk to getting acetonemi, pareses and udder infection. Veterinary Pierre Nordmark means that cows on pasture are more healthy then cows kept inside all summer.

Parallellimport och utvecklingen av EG:s konkurrensrätt

Parallel imports often lead to lowered prices and is therefore regarded as good from a consumer's point of view. From a business'point of view this is not always the case. When do parallel imports occur? Is it possible to prevent parallel imports to protect an introduction of a product in another member state? The purpose of this thesis is to present situations where parallel imports occur and to see if it is compatible with competition law to prevent parallel imports. Furthermore I will analyse the future development after the group exemption of vertical restraints enters into force in June 2000.

Ökad användning av biodrivmedel i vägtransportsektorn : en styrmedelsanalys

The Swedish road transport sector relies almost completely on fossil fuels. In 2007, as much as 96 percent of the total sales of fuels was made up of petrol and diesel, while at the same time the share of total emissions of greenhouse gases in Sweden that came from road transports amounted to close to 30 per cent. Sweden is by no means worse off than any other European country in these respects. In order to address the questions of high oil dependence and CO2 emissions the European Commission has proposed a reinforcement of the legislative framework, with a 10 percent minimum for the market share of biofuels in 2020. Furthermore, the proposed target is binding for the member states, unlike the current voluntary target of 5.75 percent by 2010. More than doubling the usage of biofuels in only a bit more than a decade will most likely not be possible without policy interventions.

Gränsen mellan aktiv och passiv försäljning. En analys av konkurrensreglerna på marknaden för anläggningsmaskiner

The essay focuses on the blacklisted restriction of passive sales in the block exemption to Article 101 TFEU on vertical agreements. It confirms the authors' thesis that the distinction between active and passive sales do not cause any problems in the theory, but that the reality shows the opposite. The analysis further shows that more detailed guidelines probably would not solve the problem but rather it is the objectives behind the rules and practice that causes confusion.The essay questiones whether the changes in the new guidelines for the block exemption also involves a change in the Commission's approach to the restrictions on passive sales when the same purposes as before lies behind the rules, where the goal of an integrated market is the most important. The impact of the so called "economic approach" within practice since the 1990s, when it was first introduced, suggests that changes are slow. The essay requests a greater openness to the fact that the realization of a single market and the desire to move closer to the commercial reality of companies collide.One proposed solution is given, where the rules would be designed so that 'absolute territorial protection' is prohibited, contractually and de facto, and that it is left open for companies to determine if their actions lead to this.

Lojalitetsplikt och Omsorgsförpliktelse för styrelse och VD

Sports associations play a very important role in the Swedish civil society, and since the 1st of July 1987 they have been exempted from the duty to pay VAT. By introducing an sufficiently closely related. When the conflict of law exists, the directive will be accorded priority, which leads to the Swedish Sports Federation must examine and considerexemption for sports associations the income tax field and VAT field correlate and the legislative change resulted in more favorable pre-close solutions for all of Sweden's non- profit organizations.  In June 2008 the European Commission launched a process concerning Swedish infringement against EU-law, and with it the Swedish civil society, where all Swedish sports associations are included, is threatened. The European Commission wants to, among other things, force sports associations into the VAT system for the purpose of the VAT Directive to be achieved.

Oskäliga villkor för utvidgade nybilsgarantiers giltighet : I konsumenternas eller konkurrenternas intresse?

A buyer of a new car is often offered a various selection of warranties. A warranty can e.g. exist in the form of an extended new car warranty. However, some manufacturers demand that the car has to be serviced by an authorised repairer for the validity of an extended warranty. In the thesis I analyse whether such a contractual term is incompatible with today?s legislation and I argue for when such a term is to be seen as unfair.

Finns det grund för att lämna ideella föreningar utanför momsträsket? : Är undantaget i 4:8 mervärdesskattelagen konformt med mervärdesskattedirektivet?

Sports associations play a very important role in the Swedish civil society, and since the 1st of July 1987 they have been exempted from the duty to pay VAT. By introducing an sufficiently closely related. When the conflict of law exists, the directive will be accorded priority, which leads to the Swedish Sports Federation must examine and considerexemption for sports associations the income tax field and VAT field correlate and the legislative change resulted in more favorable pre-close solutions for all of Sweden's non- profit organizations.  In June 2008 the European Commission launched a process concerning Swedish infringement against EU-law, and with it the Swedish civil society, where all Swedish sports associations are included, is threatened. The European Commission wants to, among other things, force sports associations into the VAT system for the purpose of the VAT Directive to be achieved.

Sexmånadersregelns förenlighet med EU-rätten

The purpose of this thesis was to analyse if the six month rule in chapter 3 § 9 part 1 in IL is compatible with EU law regarding the free movement of employees and in case of discrimination whether the rule can be justified. First of all the retroactive salary for an unlimited taxpayer and during the period of income earning a limited taxpayer who later became unlimited taxpayer will be analyzed in order to determine if they are considered to be in a comparable situation. An unlimited taxpayer is subject to taxation in Sweden for all of his incomes regardless their origin. However there is an exception according to six month rule, which implies that physical persons who stay abroad due to their minimum six months employment are in Sweden free from their incomes earned abroad if they are taxed in the country of employment. Tax exemption is applicable even if the payment from an employee working abroad is made retroactively.Article 18 EUFF states a general prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of nationality.

Konkurrensbegränsning genom selektiva distributionsavtal inom den schweiziska klockindustrin

Sammanfattning Selektiva distributionsavtal används inom många branscher som ett sätt att reglera handeln med produkter och som ett verktyg för att selektera återförsäljarna. Det senaste året har dessa avtal kommit att nyttjas även inom klockbranschen. Det är en speciell bransch där varumärkena får allt större betydelse och det bidrar till en starkare position för de företag som äger och levererar produkter av de specifika varumärkena. Syftet med detta arbete är att utreda huruvida de selektiva distributionsavtalen medför en begränsning av konkurrensen och om så sker, vilka faktorer det är som skapar begränsningarna. Vidare har en diskussion förts om de villkor som nyttjas verkligen är förenliga med lagstiftningen.

Användning av geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) vid studier av nötkreatur i landskapet - en pilotstudie :

The Animal Protection Agency was in 2006, commissioned by the Government to: Evaluate how free range animals in the winter, can be kept and managed with special emphasis to animal welfare. The Animal Protection Agency was closed later in 2006 and the commission moved to the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The keeping of free range out wintered cattle, certain basic requirement are needed: by regulation, cattle should have access to a lying hall or other building that gives protection against aversive weather and wind and should offer a dry and clean lying area. There is a possibility for farmers that get an exemption from this regulation. But cases regarding farms which have had difficulties for this exemption has led to a discussion about if the animals can get the same protection in the nature which is comparable to a lying- hall.

Generell hänsyn vid avverkning : påverkan av dispens från sexveckorsregeln samt skogsägares kunskap, tankar och åsikter

The forests in Sweden have, for a long time, been managed intensively. This has led to even-aged stands with few tree species and a lack of dead wood. Therefore, general conservation measures in connection with regeneration felling are important in order to promote biodiversity. Inventories carried out by the Swedish Forest Agency, however, show that about 25 % of the felled area does not reach the level of the Forestry Act, regarding general conservation measures. The aim of my study was to see whether exemptions from the six week notice of reporting regeneration fellings (the Forest Agency demands a report six weeks in advance of fellings), affect the results of the general conservation measures taken.

Skatteverkets ställningstagande om kortare avbrott : Rättskällevärdet i förhållande till legalitetspricipen och förutsebarhetens påverkan

Individuals considered as tax residents in Sweden may if they are working abroad for six months alternatively one year be granted a Tax exemption concerning the income originating from the work abroad. Short intermissions (kortare avbrott) are permitted without impact on the Tax exemption, however this requires that the intermission is not placed in the beginning or in the end and that the stay in Sweden does not exceed 72 days a year. A time limit regarding intermissions in a third country is however not regulated. There-fore the Swedish tax agency (Skatteverket) has published a non binding standpoint which regulates the entire intermission allowed to a maximum of 96 days a year whereof 72 days may be spent in Sweden. The definition is more extensive than earlier and uncer-tainty occurs as to whether the extension contradicts the principle of legality.The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the value of the Swedish tax agency?s stand-point concerning short intermissions.

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